Our Purpose

Jesus Hope & Love Mission is called to minister in Killeen, Texas and surrounding communities to men, women, and children caught in the cycles of poverty, hopelessness and dependencies of many kinds, and to see their lives transformed to hope, joy, lasting productivity and eternal life through the power of Jesus Christ.

We strive to effectively utilize all available resources to provide compassionate care and life transformation for hurting people in our local area. Through our programs we are helping to rebuild people’s lives by addressing their physical, mental, emotional and educational needs. And beyond the basic needs, we also address their moral, spiritual and social condition, which is often a major factor contributing to their present situation.

Realizing that our resources and abilities are limited, we work in partnership with other agencies, churches and faith based organizations. Volunteers and donations are welcome, and very much appreciated. Our desire is to offer a continuum of care, without duplicating services provided by other local organizations or groups.

Our Board of Directors:

  • Pastor Steve Chae, Director and Board President
  • Sarah Chae, Senior Food Services Supervisor and Board Treasurer
  • Dan Galanffy, Director of Technology and Board Secretary